Join an incredible community of like-minded individuals looking to make their health a priority in a fun, supportive environment.



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Functional Fitness

This class is a functional and interval-style program that incorporates strength training stacked with daily conditioning sequences. These classes feature a combination of barbell training, olympic weight-lifting, gymnastics, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). People who do (and love) these classes can expect to build strength, gain muscle, and execute the more technical side of S&C training.


Our HIIT inspired program; cardio and core-intensive workouts that don’t require prior weightlifting experience, but do require a willingness to work hard! Primarily using dumbbells, kettlebells, cardio, and body weight training, folks who do our Hustle classes can expect to build functional strength and conditioning via simpler movements done for more reps at a higher intensity.


Proven systems to get you the results you deserve.

  • I really appreciate the energy in the group classes, from both the instructors and the other participants. I work out much harder in a group class than I do on my own. It's also been a great way to get back into using weights after a long break. The instruction and corrections from the instructors helps me push myself in a safe way. Group classes are my favorite way to start the day!

    Shelly Bezanson

  • I love Hustle. It is such a fun class. I get here at 6 with a bunch a friends and people who have become friends. The camaraderie is awesome. I feel supported and part of a great community of folks looking to improve their health. I have gotten stronger from these classes, am training more frequently than I ever have, and am loving the results.

    Nicole Briggs

  • I love the 45 minute Hustle class. It is an amazing workout. I leave feeling like I worked hard every class. The instructors are great. It is hands on, supportive, informative, and a great way to start my day.

    Judy Moroney

  • What is there not to like? You feel empowered (after class). You feel pumped. I love my Hustle Classes!

    Gonzo Ansede

  • Sometimes you don't always feel like getting to the gym but when you're in a class you're surrounded by people who have also shown up for themselves. It's motivating and inspiring to workout with others who are also there just doing their best. Having a coach makes such a difference as they can help tailor the workout based on your daily needs in terms of energy, muscle fatigue and ability level. What better feeling is there than high-fiving your pals after you push through a tough workout together and come out the other side?

    Sara Howard

  • I love going to group classes the coaches are all so great and helpful in keeping me on track with my form and push me to try my hardest. It's also a great way for me to double down on a social hangout with great like-minded people and also to get a wicked good workout it for the day!

    Alexa Hemming

  • This establishment has truly earned its reputation as the cleanest and nicest gym in town. From the moment I walked in, I was struck by the immaculate environment. The gym was spotless, with equipment that gleamed as if brand new. The attention to cleanliness was evident in every corner, from the locker rooms to the workout areas. It's clear that the staff takes great pride in maintaining a hygienic and inviting space. What truly sets this gym apart, however, is not just its cleanliness, but also the attention to detail in providing a comfortable and enjoyable experience. The layout of the gym is well thought out, offering a variety of workout zones that cater to different fitness preferences. Whether you're into cardio, weightlifting, or group classes, you'll find a space that suits your needs.

    Himanshu Mishra

  • I have a gym membership to Elevate Rossland, have done many Hustle classes and have completed the personalized 8 week program with Chris and I can confidently give a 5+ star review to all of the above time and time again. I love the convenience of the fob system for the gym access. I am not bound by any set hours or holidays closures which is perfect for my busy schedule. The Hustle classes are like no other group fitness class that I’ve been to. Chris puts so much thought into creating daily workouts that build on one another. You’ll never do the same workout twice. Every instructor that teaches Hustle is knowledgeable and brings energy to each class. If group fitness isn’t your thing, I highly recommend an 8 week program tailored to your personal goals. Chris nailed it with the exercises. There were some basics sprinkled in with some exercises I had never done before. It was well thought out and accompanied by an easy to follow app for tracking progress. And progress I did see! Super happy with my results and can’t wait for my next program!

    Alana Earle

  • Over the years Elevate has been a great spot to train in preparation for hockey season for myself. The facilities are top notch and the atmosphere always results in enjoyable workouts. I've benefited greatly from the workout and nutrition plans provided by the staff.

    Craig Martin, Jacksonville Iceman

  • Elevate has help me put myself in the best situation prior to starting each hockey season. From training to nutrition there staff can help navigate any type of goals that you are trying to achieve. I cannot recommend them enough.

    Jeremy Lucchini - Weiden Blue Devils

  • Elevate has been the best spot to prepare myself for my upcoming hockey seasons. Not only is the facility top notch, but they provide many other training aspects that have helped benefit me on the ice. Taking advantage of there weekly spin classes, cross fit workouts, as well as 1on1 sessions, plays a major part in where I am today. Their staff works tirelessly to help improve each individual and always have fun while doing it.

    Riley Brandt, Cardiff Devils

  • I’m so fortunate to train at Elevate when I return home to Trail each summer. Elevate is an elite fitness facility that has offered me everything I need to succeed and take my hockey game to the next level. Dallas, Andrew, Chris, and the entire staff at Elevate are truly invested in providing exceptional fitness opportunities to the people of the Kootenays. Each Elevate facility has a fun, friendly and personable atmosphere which makes it one of my favorite places to workout and train.

    Jake Lucchini - Minnesota Wild


Memberships to fit any budget. Passes available for as low as $124/month


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